
hello! me for the last time Now I will tell you about my study program at the University of Chile. I study anthropology and I chose the mention of physical, physical anthropology. The first two years are basic to enter a mention, this could be social anthropology, archeology or physical anthropology, the next two years are to specialize in the mention and the last year is to do the practices and the tesis. I started my studies during the covi-19 pandemic, and I am from Valparaiso, so I did not have classes the first two years at the university. The third year that was already face-to-face, I moved to Santiago and spent time there in the halls, the classrooms, Calama and other places of the Faculty of Social Sciences. In general, I liked the degree very much, but what I would change would be the academic load, one semester I had 9 subjects, the least I have had is 6 subjects. I know someone who studies psychology at a private university and in one semester she had 3 subjects and sh...